Timbits U7 (Initiation Minor)

Welcome Timbits U7 Minor Parents!
Welcome to your first year in Cranbrook Minor Hockey for the 2024-2025 Season!
*For children born in 2019 (They must be 5 on or before Dec 31st 2024-no exceptions)
*Full hockey gear is required with the exception of a mouth guard
-Helmet (labelled with last name on it; as simple as a piece of tape and a sharpie works!)
-Neck Guard
-Shoulder Pads
-Elbow Pads
-Hockey Gloves
-Athletic Cup
-Hockey Pants
-Shin Pads
-Hockey Bag
-**Mouth guard is NOT required at this age.
-Water bottle -with extended spout is very helpful so they can hydrate through their helmet as they cannot be removed on the ice.
It is a good idea to label all the gear
*Tim Hortons provies socks and jerseys at the beginning of the season.

If you are unsure about proper fitting of equipment, Click Here to watch the video tutorial
*The season typically starts mid October and ends mid March
*There are no out of town games or tournaments in this division
*Typically 1 ice times per week. Days and times will be decided prior to the beginning of each season when number of kids and number of teams is determined
*If you are interested in volunteering as a coach please see our 'Coaches Corner' section for the requirements
Coaches Information-
*If you are interested in volunteering as a team manager, please connect with your coach or the Initiation Division Head at
u7divcmha@gmail.com, and
Click Here for more information on being a manager!
*Coaches and managers will use TeamSnap to communicate to parents so please download this app. An invite will be sent out via email to join your childs team once selected.
Remember, FUN is the name of the game!