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KidSport Canada
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KidSport Cranbrook
BC Hockey Female Central Registry (PeeWee, Bantam, Midget)
Hockey Canada Accounts
Spordle Account For Qualifications
Spordle Play (Scorekeeping/Rosters)
EK League Standings
Amended Bylaws
Parent Code of Conduct
Zero Tolerance of Abuse-Officials
Rep Team Selection Policy-2022
Meeting Minutes
AP Process
Home Tournaments Dates and Info
Cranbrook Minor Hockey Association Tournament Registration Form
2024-2025 Tournament Dates
CMHA Bucks Clothing Price List
Cranbrook CanSkate
Arena Safety Information
Western Financial Place Safety Information
Canal Flats Emergency Exit Map
Timbits U7 (Initiation Minor)
Timbits U7 (Initiation Minor) Homepage
Timbits U7 (Initiation Major)
Timbits U7 (Initiation Major) Homepage
Rec U9
Rec U9 Homepage
U11A Bucks
U11A Bucks Homepage
U11B Bucks
U11B Bucks Homepage
Rec U11
Rec U11 Homepage
U13 East Kootenay Avalanche
U13 East Kootenay Avalanche Homepage
U13 Bucks
U13 Bucks Homepage
U13 Female Bucks
U13 Female Bucks Homepage
Rec U13
Rec U13 Homepage
U15 East Kootenay Avalanche
U15 East Kootenay Avalanche Homepage
U15 Bucks
U15 Bucks Homepage
U15/U18 Female Bucks
U15/U18 Female Bucks Homepage
U15 Tier 3 Bucks
U15 Tier 3 Bucks Homepage
Rec U15
Rec U15 Homepage
U18 East Kootenay Avalanche
U18 East Kootenay Avalanche Homepage
U18 Bucks
U18 Bucks Homepage
U18 Rec
Gaming Information
Anytime your team hosts a raffle table, or a 50/50 draw etc, you will need to get a gaming license insused by the BC Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch. It can take a couple of weeks to process so please apply early to avoid delays.
CMHA Fundraising and Gaming Policy
Step One: Click here to complete the
Gaming Pre Approval Form
-submit to CMHA Gaming Rep at
. Here is an example of a properly completed form
Sample of Completed Pre Approval Form
Step Two: Go Online and Apply for the Gaming License following the instructions below
Step by Step Instructions for Applying for Gaming Licenses and Submitting Post Gaming Reports
Step Three: Complete and Submit a Post Gaming Report- instructions for this can be found in the above step by step document
50/50 Sample Square
For more information please contact our