U15 AA and U18 AA Avalanche Tryout Registration is Now Open!
Registration for the Avalanche U15 AA and U18 AA tryouts is now open!
These tryouts are a fantastic opportunity for players to showcase their skill set with the goal of representing the East Kootenay region in the upcoming hockey season.
Here are the key details for the tryouts:
Dates: August 23-25, 2024
Location: Western Financial Place
Registration: EK Acknowledgment and EK Avalanche Tryout pdf documents below
Deadline for Registration: July 15, 2024
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to directly to the Ek Zone Lead Laura at ekzonelead@gmail.com . she is happy to assist as needed and ensure that this process is simple and straightforward.
Acknowledgement for District AA Team Tryouts
Avalanche Tryout Form